Sleep Health MD provides evaluation and management of all adult and pediatric sleep disorders. Our center is accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.
We are honored to partner with you in any aspect of our patient services offered below.

  • Initial consultation with one of our sleep specialists
  • Performing sleep studies if necessary in one of our three in-office sleep labs
  • Follow up appointment to discuss results
  • CPAP education and equipment, provided by our staff
  • Unlike most sleep labs, we provide intensive follow-up to assure success of treatment. Our CPAP specialists, for example, do all CPAP compliance management, even if another company may be supplying equipment.

Please contact us if you have any questions about our practice. If you would like to visit, we are happy to show you our center. We look forward to assisting you care for your patients in an integrative and comprehensive manner.

Use our online form to submit a referral here.

Or download our referral form here Request for Sleep Disorders Testing & Consultation and fax to 866-264-3890.